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여자들의 핸드백속에는 도대체 무엇이 들어있을까?

전 손에 뭘 들고 다니는 걸 굉장히 귀찮아 합니다.
그래서 왠만하면 가방도 백팩을 선호하죠.

그래서 그런지, 여자분들이 매고 다니는 가방을 보면 번거롭고 불편하지 않을까? 생각하게 됩니다.
여자들은 화장품, 거울, 악세사리 등등 이것저것 정말 가지고 다녀야 할 것들이 많아서 그럴것 같다는 생각을 막연히 해 봅니다만...

어느 해외 사이트를 보니 여자들 핸드백 속의 물건들을 다 꺼내 늘어놓은 흥미로운 사진들이 있어 소개합니다.

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

Secrets of women's handbags (50 pics)

핸드백안에 참 많은 물건들이 들어갈 수 있군요.
급하게 필요한 물건을 쉽게 찾아 꺼낼 수 있을까요?
(이 사진속 물건의) 주인들은 참 대단한 것 같습니다.^^;

Via Izismile